Song Review: Lyra

I wasn't prepared for this beautiful and haunting instrumental track by Dom Robson-Tull. When words aren't involved, as a listener we're left wondering what the song is about. Yet sometimes melodies say things words don't need to. Composers like Hans Zimmer, Miles Davis and Debussy have all mastered elements of instrumental music in order to immerse the listener in an auditory experience.

'Lyra' follows an 'ABABA' double variation form. It gently begins with the repetition of a piano motif which serves as the track's main theme and is played in both low and high octaves. With some light production, strings and synths are brought in to colour in further layers, with new melodies woven over the piano before returning to the original repeated motif. The song's climax brings together flavours of piano along with the strings reaching their peak, before gradually softening into the coda.

I feel I could close my eyes and allow this piece of music to drown me in it, taking me away to a place of light tranquillity. This track would be excellent in a movie, with images of trees and leaves falling in Autumn wind and little birds chirping to one another as the seasons turn.

'Lyra' available to listen to from your favourite digital store:








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